
Last September, while driving home to our farm in Southern Maryland after a day at the WAPF office, I came over the crest of the highway to a beautiful sight: sorghum!

The Mighty Mouse

I had to laugh when I read an article in in the Washington Post, “D.C.’s mighty mouse is almost impossible to kick out of office.” At home you can do what you like about mice, but in the office “there are widely different views on food handling and cleanliness, and then a lot of finger pointing when the rodents come sniffing for crumbs. Further, staffers who are terrified of mice often clash with those who want to protect them.”

Update on “Energy Bars”?

In 2003, Mary Enig and I wrote an article on “energy” bars in which we called out all the so-called “natural” ingredients in these so-called healthy bars—which are actually candy bars made with waste products. Here’s what was available at the time—13 years ago: