Welcome to my Nourishing Traditions © blog!
I am looking forward to this opportunity to write about my favorite subject: healthy food! I’ll be doing lots of updates on the science of nutrition, traditional diets, raw milk, meal planning and interesting recipes. I’ll be discussing the need for healthy animal fats in the diet–for everything from cellular energy, to protection against cancer, to an upbeat, happy mood. My new blog also gives me the opportunity to write about other subjects that interest me, including farming and gardening, children, science, music, language and literature (especially Shakespeare). I am looking forward to this new venture, and especially getting your comments and feedback. Coming soon: a series on genuine Southern cooking and a series on fermented foods from around the world–plus my heretical thoughts on feeding babies. Stay tuned!
Sally Fallon Morell

The Mighty Mouse

Update on “Energy Bars”?

Are We Over-Dosing on Omega-3s?
Or, Why We Need Fish LIVER Oil, Not Fish Oil

Milk Prices and the Decline of Rural Life
The Weston A. Price Foundation is dedicated to teaching Wise Traditions in Food, Farming and the Healing Arts. The Foundation depends on memberships for its educational activities. You can become a member by visiting westonaprice.org and clicking on Join Now.