A MESSAGE FOR MR. VLADIMIR PUTIN and all other world leaders

According to an article in the Washington Post, Vladimir Putin, president of Russia, is pleading with Russian women to have more babies, to forego their education in order to have their first child at age eighteen, and to give birth to very large families. He has even revived the “Mother Heroine” award for women who bear ten or more children.

I understand where you are coming from, Mr. Putin.  The birth rate in all western countries is declining, particularly so in Russia, and no country can move forward when the young are taking care of an expanding elder population.  But urging women to have large families–“Many of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers had seven or eight children, and maybe even more,” Putin recently declared—is not going to work, simply because very few modern women are patriotic enough or healthy enough to have large families; in fact, many women—both in Russia and in the West–don’t want to have any children at all.

The goal of every national leader should be to support women—rather, to support couples—to have healthy children.

Here in the U.S.  an estimated one child in two has a health problem—from allergies to asthma, to ADHD to autism.  We also have an ever-increasing rate of infertility.  There are many reasons for this including environmental toxins such as fluoride, mercury, cadmium, xenoestrogens and vaccinations, but the number one reason we have a health crisis that threatens to drastically reduce the world’s population is the substitution of industrial seed oils for animal fats, starting about one hundred years ago and accelerating after the Second World War.

Seed oils are a slow toxin that interferes with hormone production—so much so that many young people today don’t know which sex they belong to–reduces brain function, causes chronic disease, especially cancer, and—over several generations—widespread infertility. We cannot make sex hormones without the nutrients found uniquely in animal fats, including hormones that support the desire to have children in the first place.

Industrial seed oils have been foisted on the population by filthy capitalist swine, first in America and then the whole world, Russia included. Fast food—fried in toxic seed oils–is ubiquitous in Russia, and their supermarket shelves look just like ours.

Only getting rid of industrial seed oils will save us.  In American this will be a slow process, as those who use cooking oils and eat margarines and spreads, and who consume processed food (loaded with seed oils) will eventually die out, while the few families wise enough to use butter, lard, tallow and poultry fat will survive and have healthy children, a process I call the Natural Selection of the Wise.

This could be accomplished much more quickly in Russia, Mr. Putin, because you have the power to get rid of these toxic oils. Start by forbidding their use in fried foods—your people will not mind because food fried in tallow or lard tastes so much better. Have your bureaucracy gradually phase out their use in processed foods (use stable palm oil and coconut oil instead), and export all your sunflower oil—one of the oils highest in unstable polyunsaturates–to your enemies.

Then, institute a program of real, science-based nutrition in your schools.  Teach your young people, including the boys, how to have healthy children through a diet of nutrient-dense, traditional Russian foods, rich in minerals and fat-soluble vitamins, not the food-like substances of the degenerate West.  And while you’re at it, encourage the consumption of raw milk, send the vaccine-pushers to the Gulag, and warn your people about the dangers of hormone-blocking statin drugs. Think of the legacy you would leave, Vladimir! Healthy Russian children! Healthy, happy families!

However, let me just add, dear Vlad, that age eighteen is not the ideal age to start having  babies.  The best outcomes occur between ages twenty-five and thirty-five.  That gives young women time to get training or an education so that she has a profession.

My father was a very wise man; he said to myself and my sister many times, “You must get an education and have a profession, just like your brothers.  You can’t count on your husband being able to support you—you may get divorced, or find out he is a n’er-do-well, or he may even die, and then you’ll have to support your family.  You don’t want your children to grow up poor.” How much better for you to give the women of Russia fatherly advice like this.

And as for having very large families. . . wouldn’t it be better to encourage Russian women to give birth to three or four healthy children, approximately between the age of twenty-five and thirty-five, rather than suggest that women should be saddled with large broods, each child less healthy than the last?  You see, in traditional cultures, it was considered shameful for women to have a child less than once every three years.  This allowed the mother to recover her nutritional stores and also ensured that her children each got the maternal attention they needed as infants. It also ensured that each child was as healthy as the previous one—something that greatly reduces friction and jealousies between siblings, making family life a joy rather than a chore.

Modern science provides validation for these traditional practices. Close-together pregnancies result in greater numbers of pre-term births, more low birth weight, more maternal anemia, more emotional and physical strain, and higher likelihood of complications such as uterine rupture. These risks are highest if the interval between pregnancies is six months or less, something bound to happen if mom is determined to have eight or ten children. She may even die of nutritional exhaustion, leaving her eight to ten children without a mother.

Dear Vlad, I don’t think this is what you want for Russia. If Russian women are inspired—not pressured–to have three or four well-spaced healthy children before the age of thirty-five, your population will increase soon enough.

This message is not just for you, Mr. Putin, but for all world leaders. The greatest challenge in our modern world is the tanking fertility and the declining health of our children. Persuading—or forcing—women to have large families will not solve the problem, but teaching our young people the principles of healthy diets, the dangers of industrial seed oils, the ravages of vaccination and the importance of child spacing—only this will avert the crisis. Maybe Russia will lead the way?

The Weston A. Price Foundation is your source for accurate information on diet and health. Become a member to receive the quarterly journal and support our work.

Author: Sally Fallon Morell

Sally Fallon Morell is best known as the author of Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels.

11 thoughts on “A MESSAGE FOR MR. VLADIMIR PUTIN and all other world leaders”

  1. Sally, Well done! but I’m sure the ragtag censors will now call you a communist sympathizer. I just listened to a long interview by Tucker Carlson of Casey and Calley Means. They have written a book called Good Energy. Casey is a Stanford trained doctor, who figured out how sick we are and how we are not addressing the root causes, so she dropped out of the system after 9 years of training. She and her brother, who was also at Stanford, but who was a lobbyist for Big Food industry companies, describe in detail the unholy alliance between the food industry and big pharma also citing big Ag Monsanto buying a company that sells a chemical that causes non-Hodgkins leukemia and then going into an alliance with a company that makes drugs supposedly to cure non Hodgkins leukemia. At the end Casey tries to answer Tucker’s question about what to eat but I wanted to shout at them, “Read Sally’s books!” Then you will know what and how to eat. 🙂

  2. There are no Price.org chapters in Russia. Maybe getting someone to start one would help the Russian women think about making babies and eating healthier and without junk/fast food.

  3. I love your article. If only all Americans Would read it and learn about the traditional ways and how critical a nutrient, dense diet is. I once suggested to a woman who was trying to conceive without success that she eat Plenty of bacon and eggs, raw milk, and cream. In about two months she was pregnant.

  4. This is awesome. It’s just what the world needs. And to give the “heave ho” to the frauds pushing pseudo-science in the forms of vaccines, seed oils, avoidance of saturated fats, overpopulation myth, the supposed need to end the eating of meat, etc. Unfortunately the cult pushing these things currently rules the world.

  5. Did Mr. Putin actually receive this message? Did you really send it to him? Did you translate the message into Cyrillic for him to read?

  6. For Putin, he simply wants cannon fodder. Motherless children are no problem for the State who is raising them to go stand in front regardless, unless they’re selected as brilliant and can be useful to the State engine that way.
    I don’t have any problem with mothers who married at 20 and are well nourished— and starting having babies. Traditional breastfeeding (no pacifers, co sleeping, on demand) leaves vast majority of moms infertile a good stretch. 2yrs apart is plenty if mom is well nourished. Careful training also leads to helpful children, not burdens. Moms who are not told how much drudgery children and home keeping is, actually love being with kids and don’t want to work outside the home. Homeschooling is a natural extension of this. Now we’re saving the State tons of resources & $! And the kids are the premium education they deserve.

    1. Right Hélène! Putin doesn’t actually care at all for the wellbeing of his people, he just wants more numbers.
      And as the mother of more than several healthy, smart, strong, capable, caring, and happy children, I wholeheartedly agree with all that you said. God bless.

  7. I am a long time reader of Nourishing Traditions & member of the Weston A Price Foundation. I, for one, am very disappointed in some of Sally’s responses. I disagree with & am saddened with her father’s advice to her when she was growing up. Having personally made the choice to leave a professional career to stay home with my soon-to-be growing family, I am convinced it was the best thing I have ever done (we have 7 children). And to go into marriage with the thought that one should have a fall-back “in case it doesn’t work out” goes against the very idea of the vows of a marriage, especially a sacramental marriage. This thinking indicates an immaturity towards marriage. I am also disappointed in Sally’s conclusions that a woman choosing to have any more than a few children is putting her health at risk. Sally, you need to come visit the people I have as friends & acquaintances. These women/mothers are women of joy (no, not every minute; they are real women.) & feel blessed to have 5, 6..9, 10 children. They would not choose to be without any one of them. It has been said, that at the end of a father’s or mother’s life, no one ever says, “I wish I had worked more, been at the office more.” In the same token, more women than not, at the end of their lives or even their child-bearing years, say “I wish I had had more children. Never have I heard a woman say ” I wish I had had fewer children.” Sally should stick to recommending nutrient-dense diets for women in their child-bearing years so they can be as healthy as possible for the number of children they accept to bear.

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