The Contagion Fairy Tale
by Thomas Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell

Our book, The Contagion Myth, is now available (banned on Amazon but sold on other outlets) and has already generated dozens of comments, many of them challenging our contention that the corona “virus” does not exist and that the illness attributed to this virus is not contagious—one referred to our book as a fairy tale!

The Contagion Myth - a Fairy Tale??

However, unlike most coronavirus skeptics, we are not arguing that the illness is just a bad case of the flu, with deaths due solely to pre-existing conditions or inappropriate hospital care; rather we postulate that the illness can be very serious and that the likely cause is radiation poisoning, probably from the worldwide deployment of 5G, starting in Wuhan, China and followed by major cities throughout the world.

Comments we have received include the following:

  • Okinawa does not have 5G but people are getting infected there;
  • Some friends went to a wedding in Kirkland, Washington and got Covid, so it must be infectious;
  • There’s 5G in New Zealand but very few cases of illness;
  • A school in our neighborhood has opened for in-person classes and there has been an outbreak—two people have tested positive;
  • A lot of people “got the virus” after a big no-mask motorcycle rally in Sturgis, South Dakota;
  • What about rabbits getting myxomatosis, a known viral disease.

With the exception of the rabbit comment (a subject to be explored in a future blog), these observations are just that—epidemiological observations, which are certainly interesting and deserve further exploration, but these in no way disprove our main contention that this virus does not exist and the illness attributed to it is not contagious.

Why take our word for the shocking claim that no scientist has found the so-called coronavirus?  Of course, you shouldn’t take our word for it, you should listen to what the experts are saying.  In July 2020, the FDA posted a CDC document entitled “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Real-Time RT-PCR diagnostic Panel. For Emergency Use Only. Instructions for Use.” Buried in the text, on page 39, is the following statement: “. . . no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available.”

In other words, our government is telling us that there are no purified isolated samples of this “novel coronavirus,” which means that the virus has never been isolated and purified.  What they are finding in the RT-PCR tests are fragments of genetic material. This means that the results of all RT-PCR tests are invalid—the only thing they can tell us is that we are human beings.

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A January, 2020 paper on testing tells us the same thing: “The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable. . . [emphasis added]” Nevertheless, even without knowing what this virus is like, the researchers aim “to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.” A challenge indeed!  

Here is an analogy to describe what is going on.  Let’s say you are a paid Lego specialist and someone offers to reward you if you can construct an exact replica of King Beauregard’s Medieval castle.  The referees put all the known Lego pieces out on a table and promise to pay you well to do the reconstruction. Naturally, you ask to see a picture of what the castle looked like or at least some sort of architectural plan so you know what to build.  But the referees say that you must reconstruct the castle without having access to any information about the original castle.  You think this is downright bizarre, but since a job is a job, you start looking.  You find pieces for a moat; you know that castles have moats and think that this must be part of the castle.  Then you find windows, turrets, soldiers, etc.–with each new finding you are given a castle-building Lego award and an increase in salary.  You write some software that fills in the rest of the castle from the fragments you have. Then you publish a peer reviewed paper on the “completed” castle for all the world to see.

Unfortunately, a child appears who looks like he has time traveled from the Middle Ages.  You show him the castle.  “Everybody knows that Beauregard didn’t have a castle.” He says.  “Beauregard was an impoverished aristocrat who was afraid of moats; he lived in a garret in London.”  But the show must go on, so his remarks are never published, while the Lego expert (who knows the child is right) keeps quiet and enjoys his hefty salary.

A number of readers have sent us studies “proving” the existence of pathogenic viruses.  In fact, one virologist claimed that “thousands of papers” show that isolated bacteria or viruses cause disease. (He also tried to convince us that one could sterilize one’s hands, cover them and they would remain sterile “indefinitely.”) 

One was a link to a study with the promising title “Koch’s postulates fulfilled for SARS virus”, published 2003 in the prestigious journal Nature. We discuss this study in The Contagion Myth. The researchers claim that Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) is also caused by a coronavirus. The title itself is misleading, not to say fraudulent, because the researchers did not satisfy Koch’s postulates—which is the common-sense way of proving that a microbe causes disease. They did not satisfy River’s postulates either—River’s postulates are for proving that a virus causes a disease. These methods involve isolating and purifying a specific microbial organism from a number of individuals suffering from a specific disease and injecting the isolated, purified bacteria or virus into healthy organisms (animal or human). If every sick person has the organism and every test subject becomes ill, then you know that the specific microbe causes the specific disease.

Let’s focus on the process of isolating and purifying a virus—it’s hard to do but not impossible.  In 1973, the Pasteur Institute published guidelines for doing this. First the virologist takes mucus or secretions from a person with the disease.   The secretions are diluted and then put into a kind of blender. The resultant liquid is then passed through a very fine filter—fine enough to keep out bacteria and fungi but let the viruses through; the resulting liquid is called a supernatant. It contains the virus but also lots of other stuff as well. The supernatant must then be centrifuged in such a way that you get bands of particles of the same size and weight.  The scientist can determine which band is the virus using the known size and weight of viruses.  This band is removed from the supernatant with a pipette. This is the properly isolated and purified virus.  The virus is then transferred to some tissue to grow and multiply.

An important point is that when the virologist has finished the purification process of macerating, filtering and ultracentrifugation, he must then take an electron micrograph of the final, purified virus to show his colleagues that he has in fact successfully purified and isolated the virus.  Virologists have done this many times and for many different viruses.  Without an electron micrograph picture showing purification, no reputable journal would publish this work. The reason is simple: scientists are essentially told not to believe each other because someone says so.  If you say you isolated a virus you must show the picture to prove it, period.  Absent the picture it could be a total fabrication.  The way science is supposed to work, after you have isolated and photographed the virus, other scientists in other labs follow the exact steps that you outlined in your paper and show pictures of the same isolated virus.  Once a number of labs have done this, you have real proof that the virus exists.  

In the case of the novel corona virus, every single published photograph we have seen showing the “isolated” virus shows no such thing.  Instead, it shows tissue with a number of dots, usually with an arrow pointing to the so-called coronavirus.  If you see tissue in the photograph, by definition, it’s not isolated.  An example of such a photograph comes from “Virus Isolation from the First Patient with SARS-CoV-2 in Korea,” published February 24, 2020 in the Journal of Korean Medical Science. Although the authors claim to have isolated the virus, the photographs they publish show “virus” structures inside and outside a cell (indicated by arrows), not isolated.

Novel coronavirus, NOT isolated

You can see a properly isolated “virus” in the electron microscopy image of the chicken pox “virus,” below. (By the way, although health officials claim that chicken pox is “highly contagious,” no studies have shown that exposing people to isolated chicken pox virus makes them sick.)

Chicken pox virus, isolated

What virologists do today is use the liquid—called the supernatant–after either filtration or centrifuging to get rid of the bacteria, fungi and other larger material.  This is what they refer to as “purification.” This is like filtering the grounds out of coffee to get caffeine so you can study its effects.  But there are hundreds or thousands of other compounds in the coffee, so you still need to isolate the caffeine.  What the researchers should then do is put the supernatant in what’s called a sucrose density centrifuge column, which spins out the various compounds into bands.  One of these bands will contain the pure virus, which can then be photographed and analyzed.

Instead of working with pure virus, researchers use the supernatant, which contains all kinds of     molecules and particles. Instead of doing a genetic analysis of the isolated virus, they do genetic analysis on the mess of compounds in the supernatant.

Now to get enough “virus” to use experimentally, virologists must grow it in a biological medium such as an animal or at least cells from an animal.  Unlike bacteria, which can be grown in petri dishes, viruses are not alive and can only “grow” in other living cells. 

So they transfer the supernatant not to healthy tissue, but to tissue that has been starved of nutrients and poisoned with strong antibiotics—to make sure that what is left is only viruses and not bacteria and fungi.  The main type of tissue they use is kidney cells from various species, often monkey kidney cells (called Vero cells), and lung cancer cells. The “viruses” seem to multiply.  The resultant mess of “viruses,” particles, poisons, dead tissue and cellular debris—called “cultured” virus– is then sold to researchers as samples of “purified virus” for them to use in studies.

By the way, the CDC has published guidelines on “transport medium” for viruses.  This is what they use to inoculate the starved tissue which then grows the “virus.”  The three main ingredients are fetal bovine serum (extracted from still-living fetal calves and preserved with anti-fungals, among other poisons) along with two highly toxic antibiotics, amphotericin (affectionately called ampho-terrible) and gentamicin.  This ungodly mixture is then grown on monkey or fetal kidney cells.  Interestingly, all doctors know that the main organ affected by gentamicin and ampho-terrible is the kidneys.  So you poison the kidney, the kidney breaks down and then the virologist claims that the virus killed the kidney—without performing any controls. Don’t look behind the curtain, folks!  

This practice is fraught with obvious problems for proving it is the virus and not the cancer cells or poisoned kidney cells that are causing disease when these viruses get injected into healthy test animals. 

Remember that to prove that a specific virus is making humans or animals sick, they need to find the identical virus in many subjects who are sick with the same symptoms—and then make healthy humans or animals sick by exposing them to this virus.  But when researchers try to grow the purified virus on healthy cells, they don’t get a lot of viruses; and when they subject healthy tissue, healthy animals or healthy people to these “viruses,” illness does not result—and this is the wily virus that is going to kill us all!

Why do “viruses” multiply in the starved and poisoned kidney or cancer cells? Because when cells are starved or poisoned, they produce exosomes, which are identical in appearance and characteristics to what are called “viruses.” These tiny particles are helpful, not toxic.  They do not attack the cells and then multiply; rather, they are produced inside the cell, often in large amounts, when the cells are stressed by poison and starvation.

Viruses and exosomes are indistinguishable, as we learn from a study entitled “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS viruses,” published in the journal Viruses, May 2020.  To quote from the paper, “The remarkable resemblance between EVs [extracellular vesicles, that is, exosomes] and viruses has caused quite a few problems in the studies focused on the analysis of EVs released during viral infection.  Nowadays it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimensions.  To overcome this problem, different studies have proposed the separation of EVs from virus particles by exploiting their different migration velocity in a density gradient or using the presence of specific markers that distinguish viruses from EVs.  However, to date, a reliable method that can actually guarantee a complete separation does not exist [emphasis added]. “

In other words, researchers can’t distinguish viruses from exosomes—that’s because they are the same thing and in reality, all viruses are exosomes.  Scientists are discovering that all of these “viruses” originate in our own tissues—they don’t attack us from the outside.  

With this background, let’s then look at the study, “Koch’s Postulates fulfilled for SARS Virus.” The researchers took unpurified sediment from the snot of sick people, grew that in lung cancer cells until they got a sufficient quantity of cellular material to work with.  Then they centrifuged this mess again, not even attempting to purify any virus from the mixture.  Finally, they took this unholy mixture of snot sediment, lung cancer cells and who-knows-what-else and injected that into two unfortunate monkeys.  They didn’t do a control group by injecting saline into other monkeys or injecting lung cancer cells into monkeys or even injecting the liquid from the centrifuged material into monkeys. They just injected the cellular-debris-laden goop.  One of the monkeys got pneumonia, the other got a rash. That, claim the researchers, is the proof that a “coronavirus” can cause disease and that Koch’s postulates have been satisfied.

The Coronavirus Unveiled,” appearing in the New York Times, gives the impression that researchers are working with a genuine isolated coronavirus. Nevertheless, the article tells us that “In February, as the new coronavirus swept across China and shut down entire cities, . . . the best pictures anyone had managed to take were low-resolution images, in which the virus looked like a barely discernible smudge.”

How did the researchers isolate the virus?  They “doused the viruses with chemicals to render them harmless. . .” In other words, they poisoned them.  Then they somehow “concentrated the virus-laden fluid from a quart down to a single drop” after which they flash froze the drop. Then in the microscope they saw structures they called viruses.

This is not the proper way to isolate and characterize a virus, either.  Proper isolation involves ultrafiltration and centrifuging–not dousing with chemicals and flash freezing–and then performing various physical, biochemical and immunological analyses.

After seeing these particles—most likely helpful exosomes responding to the poisonous chemicals–the researchers state that “its intimately twisted genes commandeer our biochemistry [and] wrenches into our cellular factories, while others build nurseries for making new viruses.” This is highly imaginative horror-movie speculation, not science.

Virologist have three “hosts” they can use in their attempts to prove that viruses cause illness.  After “isolating” the virus, they can expose humans to the virus; they can expose animals to the virus; or they can use tissue cultures taken from various animal or human sources and expose the tissue culture to the virus.  Leaving aside the fact that they never actually isolate and purify the virus, which they openly admit, let’s assume that the unpurified fluid they are using does contain the relevant virus and therefore should be able to transmit infection.   I

In the history of virology, most virologists have decided not to do their experiments on human subjects as this is considered unethical.  In the case of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we know of no published study that used humans as the test subjects. 

Virologists also admit that in the case of most viral infections, there are no studies available proving infection in animals.  How a virus can infect and kill humans but not animals is left unexplained. Researchers get around this obvious biological conundrum by saying, “there are no animal models on which to test such-and-such a virus.” In other words, “We know that the virus infects and kills humans even though we’ve never tested the virus on humans because that would be unethical.  Therefore, we do our tests on animals, even though when we test animals. they don’t get sick, because they are not proper “hosts” for the virus. So, you’ll just have to trust us.”

In the case of SARS CoV-2, we know of two studies that used unpurified “virus” on animal models, one with hamsters and one with mice. In the hamster study, researchers took the unpurified, lung-cancer-grown, centrifuged animal secretions and squirted it down the throats and into the lungs of a group of unfortunate hamsters.  Some but not all of the hamsters got pneumonia and some even died.  We have no idea what would have happened if they had squirted plain lung cancer cells into the lungs of these hamsters, probably not anything good.  Even more perplexing, some of the hamsters didn’t even get sick at all, which certainly doesn’t square with the deadly contagious virus theory. 

In the mouse study, researchers infected both transgenic mice and wild (normal) mice with unpurified virus.  None of the wild mice exposed to the “virus” got sick.  Of the mice genetically programmed to get sick, a statistically insignificant number either lost some fur luster or had an insignificant weight loss.  Thus, scientists have not been able to show that the Covid-19 “virus” causes harm to animals.

The third choice for virologist is to infect human and animal tissue with a “culture” of the virus to see what happens.  This is what they did in a study entitled, “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 from Patient with Coronavirus Disease,” published in the CDC Bulletin, June 2020.

The purpose of the study was for a group of about twenty virologists to describe the state of the science dealing with the isolation and purification, and the biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research. A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.

First, in the section titled “Whole Genome Sequencing,” we find that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, they “designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence. . . “ This means they actually looked at a mere thirty-seven primers out of the approximately thirty thousand base pairs claimed to be the genome of an intact virus.  They then took these thirty-seven segments and put them into a computer program, which filled in the rest of the genome.

This computer-generation step—called “whole genome sequencing”–constitutes scientific fraud of the highest order. Here is an equivalency: a group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a sliver of a horn. They then put that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, claiming that this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they have never actually seen a unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.

The researchers claim they decided which is the real genome of SARS-CoV-2 by “consensus,” sort of like a vote.  As different computer programs will come up with different versions of the imaginary “unicorn,” they come together as a group and decide which is the real imaginary unicorn. (By the way, this is how scientists characterized the measles “virus”—by consensus!)

But the real blockbuster finding in this study comes later, a finding so shocking that it’s hard to believe what we are reading.  “Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH 7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T).  In addition to Vero E6 and Vero CCL81 cells . . .  Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post-infection.” 

This is the third method virologists use to prove infection and pathogenicity — the method they usually rely on—namely, the inoculation of solutions they say contain the virus onto a variety of tissue cultures. As we have pointed out, such inoculation has never been shown to kill (lyse) the tissue, unless the tissue is first poisoned and starved (grown in a “minimal-nutrient medium.”)

In the Results section, the authors state: “Therefore, we examined the capacity of SARS-CoV-2 to infect and replicate in several common primate and human cell lines, including human adenocarcinoma cells (A549), human liver cells (HUH7.0), and human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293T) . . . Each cell line was inoculated at high multiplicity of infection and examined 24h post infection.  No CPE was observed in any of the cell lines except in Vero cells.”

Note, CPE means “cytopathic effect,” which refers to structural changes in host cells that are caused by “viral invasion.” The infecting virus is said to cause lysis (breaking up) of the host cell or, when the cell dies without lysis, an inability to reproduce. Both of these effects are said to occur due to CPEs.

So did this viral material with its “intimately twisted genes commandeer the cellular biochemistry [and] wrench into the cellular factories, while others build nurseries for making new viruses?” Nothing of the sort!

The shocking thing about the findings is that using their own methods, the virologists found that solutions claimed to contain SARS-CoV-2 (as well as poisons)—even in high amounts –were not infective to any of the three human tissue cultures they tested.  In plain English, this means they proved, on their terms, that this “new coronavirus” is not infectious to human beings.  It is only infective to monkey kidney cells, and only when you add two potent drugs (gentamicin and amphotericin), known to be toxic to kidneys, to the mix.

Interestingly, in their conclusion the authors don’t mention this important fact. Only virologists reading the whole paper will find out that if you want to grow the virus, don’t bother to use human cell lines.

Meanwhile we have worldwide lockdown predicated on the idea that something called coronavirus causes disease.   As you can read, in all three of the human cell lines no CPE (no cell death, no infection) was observed.  Only Vero cells (monkey kidney cells) were adversely affected—and remember, the material injected into these cells contained kidney toxins.  So basically, they proved that the SARS-CoV-2 virus does not infect human tissue.

Another study sent to us comes with the fancy title,  “A Novel Chimpanzee Adenovirus Vector with Low Human Seroprevalence: Improved Systems for Vector Derivation and Comparative Immunogenicity.”

The researchers used “The wild type chimpanzee adenovirus isolate Y25 [which] was originally obtained from William Hillis, John Hopkins University of Medicine. The virus was passaged in HEK293A cells (Invitrogen, Cat. R705-07) and purified by CsCl gradient . . . Viral DNA was phenol extracted for genomic sequencing and cloning.”

The researchers purchased some material (not properly isolated even though it is called an “isolate”) which they then “passaged” through human embryonic kidney cells (called HEK293A), and then they “purified” it by CsCl gradient.  You can read about this technique here. It separates DNA molecules (not viruses) after mixing them with cesium chloride (a heavy metal salt) and ethidium bromide (a mutagen that can affect DNA biological processes, like DNA replication and transcription.) 

This is the same smoke and mirrors—not true separation and isolation but “surrogate” techniques that use various poisons.

Another  study sent to us is entitled, “SARS-CoV-2 structure and replication characterized by in situ cryo-electron tomography,” published June 23, 2020. The authors begin with the creed of the faithful: “β-coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-1 and Middle Eastern Respiratory Virus (MERS-CoV) are highly contagious pathogens that can cause severe lower respiratory infections. At the end of 2019, SARS-CoV-2 emerged in the city of Wuhan, China, likely through zoonotic transmission via a bat reservoir and a still unidentified intermediate host that subsequently led to a pandemic, accumulating to date to over 8 million cases and close to 500,000 deaths worldwide.”

The article provides no references for the statement that the SARS virus is “highly contagious” but does contain a lot of fuzzy electron-microscope photographs of tissues and cells whose genetic material they determined using PCR tests—the equivalent of finding moats and turrets in a bunch of Lego pieces.

The researchers did not isolate and purify the virus but instead used “monkey kidney derived VeroE6 cells” and “human pulmonary cell lines.”  In other words, they used cell lines grown in starved and poisoned cultures.  

Later in the paper the authors state that they get different “morphologies” of the virus depending on which cell line they use.   In other words when grown on monkey kidney cells the virus looks one way, grown on lung cancer the same virus looks different.  That is like saying that if you plant some seeds in one garden you will get tomatoes but if you plant them in another garden you will get turnips.  What this observation tells us is that what they find comes from the tissue not the source “virus,” that is why they are different.

According to the authors, “Our report provides the first in situ cryo-ET analysis of coronaviruses at high preservation levels.” Wait a minute—this study was published on June 23, 2020. You mean they had no analyses of this virus before health officials called for universal lockdown?

By the way, Stefano Scoglio, PhD, from Italy, has come to the same conclusions that we have in a talk entitled “THE INVENTED PANDEMIC, the lack of VIRUS ISOLATION and the INVALID COVID-19 test.”

Says Scoglio, “At the center of the pandemic project stands the Covid swab test, which is based on the RT-PCR (Reverse Transcriptase- Polymerase Chain reaction): a sample of organic material is taken from the throat, or more rarely from the broncho-alveolar fluid, of the individual, and then the presence of the SARS-Cov-2 virus in the sample is tested. This is done by using the same RT-PCR methodology used to originally “isolate” the virus from patient zero. Thus, the Covid test depends essentially on the original isolation, or lack thereof, of the SARS-Cov2 virus, the original PCR isolation of the virus constituting the golden standard necessary to validate any subsequent Covid test. The problems with the original virus isolation, and thus with the ensuing swab test, are many, and they all point to the truth that the SARS-Cov2 virus has never been isolated and never tested for its pathogenicity.”

One argument we hear is that Koch’s postulates are irrelevant, out of date, useless or even “wrong.” If so, why do researchers claim to have satisfied Koch’s postulates, not only for Covid-19 but for other diseases like HIV/AIDS and Lyme’s disease. 

For example, in 1997, scientists announced that human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) does fulfill Koch’ postulates and hence is the proven cause of AIDS.  The study involved taking the blood from an HIV-positive person and injecting it into one chimpanzee. They didn’t purify or isolate anything, just injected the blood into one chimpanzee. They kept the chimp for ten years–who knows what they fed it or anything about its conditions of confinement. After ten years the chimp developed an “opportunistic infection” (which could even be a yeast infection) and tested HIV-positive (a test result that occurs in at least thirty-three other conditions).  The study had no controls–like injecting the chimp with blood from someone with cancer or with blood from a healthy person.  This was the proof that HIV causes AIDS!  This is not science, but it keeps the grant money flowing.

With Lyme’s disease the “proof” that Koch’s postulates were fulfilled comes from a paper published in 1983, which reported detection of spirochete [spiral-shaped bacteria] in the blood of two patients with Lyme. The researchers then examined some ticks in the neighborhood and found the same spirochete.  That’s it, that was the “proof” of Koch’s postulates. 

As we have explained, finding bacteria at the site of an injury or in a person with a disease in no way constitutes proof of causation any more than finding firemen at the site of a fire means they caused the fire.  Among other roles, bacteria act as scavengers in nature, they “eat” dead or diseased tissue.  Maggots play the same role; if you see a dead dog crawling with maggots, it would be crazy conclude that the maggots killed the dog. So why do scientists assume that the presence of “viruses” in a cell means that the cell has been attacked from the outside and taken over by hostile compounds?

If anyone can show us a properly done study in which the “coronavirus” from many sick people was isolated, purified, photographed and characterized according to the consensus agreement of the 1973 Pasteur Institute guidelines, and then shown to cause disease in healthy organisms (animals or humans), we will gladly withdraw the book. Meanwhile, we contend that the idea of a contagious coronavirus is a fairy tale.

The Contagion Myth is banned on Amazon but available at the following online booksellers:

Dr. Cowan’s website


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NOOK Book (eBook) from Barnes & Noble

Australia and New Zealand: Booktopia

Canada: Simon & Schuster Canada

UK:  available as an ebook, Simon & Schuster UK

Author: Sally Fallon Morell

Sally Fallon Morell is best known as the author of Nourishing Traditions®: The Cookbook that Challenges Politically Correct Nutrition and the Diet Dictocrats. This well-researched, thought-provoking guide to traditional foods contains a startling message: animal fats and cholesterol are not villains but vital factors in the diet, necessary for normal growth, proper function of the brain and nervous system, protection from disease and optimum energy levels.

44 thoughts on “The Contagion Fairy Tale
by Thomas Cowan, MD and Sally Fallon Morell”

  1. A most remarkable refutation of the “fairy tale” of a contagious coronavirus! The methodology referred to here deserves to be an inspiration toward the possibility of new independent medical schools. Then again – if the full truth about the true nature of “disease” were to be known there would be no need for medical schools!

  2. This is so well done and comprehensive, I hope people will still buy and read the book. I’m glad I did. But all these follow up discussions and interviews strengthen my understanding that you and Tom are right. I guess we’ll see what happens now re mandatory masking, testing, vaxxing. Ughh. Sometimes I feel so outnumbered and overpowered. I can’t tell you how important it is to have WAPF to support me/us as we challenge/refute the current paradigm. I just love that I get what epidemiology is and what exosomes, differential ultracentrifugation, and Vero cells are. On and on. Thanks again.

  3. The Koch postulates were never even met by Koch himself. He pretended that they had been met, but investigations found that this was not the case. As a matter of fact, because of the facts known about viruses now it is actually impossible to meet the postulates because they are nonsensical.

    In addition, a German doctor, Dr. Stefan Lanka, proved several years ago in a court case that the measles virus did not exist (another virus that has never been “purified”), yet vaccinations against measles (something that does not exist) continue regardless.

  4. Sally,

    Will you please clarify for me? Are you saying that all diseases attributed to viruses and bacteria are not contagious, and that viruses and bacteria do not cause disease?

    1. Yes, this is what we are saying. While bacteria and viruses are often associated with disease–playing a beneficial role in helping to clear dead tissue or detoxify, they are not the cause of disease. What causes disease is nutrient deficiencies, toxins (including EMF poisoning) or injury. Sally

    2. Good read for you, or for anyone would be germ vs terrain theory, here an article explaining the basics

      also very good read the old and free/legal book on archive org
      “Pasteur vs Bechaump, a lost chapter in the history of biology”
      Gives you an insight how both did their work, Pasteur misinterpreted Bechaumps and sadly it was picked up by western medicine school.



  6. This is a lot to absorb but so thankful for the info. I am frustrated by the restrictions put upon us by government agencies etc and hope people would be open to read and believe your research and expertise. Thank you.

  7. First, thanks for sharing and patiently explaining this information again and again! I’m so glad to understand the truth. But secondly, I’m wondering about all the evil schemes I’ve read about (via Bill Gates and others). Did they attempt to create this virus? Have they been deceived themselves about what a virus can do? Or do you think they’ve known from the start that all they have to do is manipulate people into thinking there is a virus? I now also understand that Gates is behind the roll-out of 5G big-time. Have the evil players knowingly been behind creating this world-wide sickness through 5G?

  8. Thank you for this response. I read your book and this helps me understand it even better. I’m wondering if you and Tom would be able to address what is going on in the labs where the so-called “Gain of Function” research is going on. We are told that they are experimenting with “viruses”. And some are saying that they are “weaponizing” viruses. How does whatever these labs are doing fit in with your thesis? Can we make sense of this work through the lens of “The Contagion Myth”?

  9. Thanks for your forthright work, and for not bowing to the dictocrats. I do wish I knew more.
    Are you saying no one has sent, or you have not found, one study to date of a properly isolated virus?
    Do you have any recommendations on reading for terrain theory?

  10. hi, I have found your article really interesting and I was strongly considering buying your books but your silence in the face of some reasonable questions has left me wondering how reasonable your theory really is. are you really saying that chicken pox isnt icontagious? and that measles, sars and covid-19 doesnt exist because they havent been able to isolate them??

    1. If you can show the existence of a measles virus, you can win 100,000 Euros–the prize is still unclaimed. A chicken pox virus has been isolated (photo is in the blog) but there is no proof that introducing this virus into healthy people causes them to have disease. We discuss the “contagion” of sexually transmitted disease, measles and other childhood illnesses in the book, The Contagion Myth.

  11. From March 12, 2020: “A team of researchers from Sunnybrook, McMaster University and the University of Toronto has isolated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the agent responsible for the ongoing outbreak of COVID-19.
    Thanks to nimble collaboration, the team was able to culture the virus from two clinical specimens in a Level 3 containment facility.
    “We need key tools to develop solutions to this pandemic. While the immediate response is crucial, longer-term solutions come from essential research into this novel virus,” said Dr. Samira Mubareka, microbiologist and infectious diseases physician at Sunnybrook.”
    “The isolated virus will help researchers in Canada and across the world develop better diagnostic testing, treatments and vaccines, and gain a better understanding of SARS-CoV-2 biology, evolution and clinical shedding.

    “Researchers from these world-class institutions came together in a grassroots way to successfully isolate the virus in just a few short weeks,” said Dr. Rob Kozak, clinical microbiologist at Sunnybrook. “It demonstrates the amazing things that can happen when we collaborate.”

    Dr. Arinjay Banerjee, NSERC post-doctoral fellow at McMaster University, said he knows the collaboration won’t stop there.

    “Now that we have isolated the SARS-CoV-2 virus, we can share this with other researchers and continue this teamwork,” he said. “The more viruses that are made available in this way, the more we can learn, collaborate and share.””

    Read the full article here:

  12. Sally,
    I want to say thank you for bringing this book into the world. You have opened my eyes to so many things- I’m still trying to wrap my mind around all of it. I just wanted to reach out because I’m going a little crazy. With all the lockdowns and mask madness, how am I supposed to carry on in this world?? ? Now that I have learned what your book teaches, I can’t unlearn it! I want to share it with the world, but the people surrounding me want to cling to fear and wear their masks and quarantine themselves. They don’t listen. I don’t have anybody to talk to about this! Most of my friends and family think I’m nuts and honestly, I feel like I’m going a little crazy! Can someone give me advice? How do we live in this germaphobic time when we no longer believe in “germs”?

    1. I feel the same way. We are receiving this knowledge and yet there is no one able to actually help out of this nightmare.

    2. There are more like you out there than you realize. I watch Dr. Cowan on Rumble, Bitchute weekly. Also try to keep up with Sally Fallon, her knowledge is infectious. Mostly watch news like Worldviewweekend with Brannon Howse or his shows over on Frankspeech/lindelltv, and news outlets he follows or recommends. Same with those that Dr. Cowan interviews and those over at Weston A Price foundation web page, could get lost on there just reading and learning. It’s sad now early 2022 and still people out there with those face diapers on, at least a 1/3 of population seems to be in a trans or something. So much more is known now, making the case for this book and all this great truth even more valuable.

  13. Thank you for doubling down via this article! I’ve been following this school of thought ever since I ran into it during the early days of the pandemic lock-down, as I was obsessed with understanding what was going on, biologically and politically.

    I urge the previous commenter not to lose hope. Find like-minded people thru your local WAPF chapter, thru local health freedom groups, or thru on-line and social media groups like the Face Book groups for the Weston A Price Foundation, or the one called “The Infectious Myth.”

  14. And the craziest part of all is whenever you try to tell people that there is scientific research and analysis proving that there is no coronavirus or pandemic or even that viruses themselves are an unproven theory…

    It’s like you’re Tobey Maguire in Pleasantville yelling “Fire!” over and over in a fire station and the firefighters don’t even know what fire is, but the moment someone says “cat” they are on it.

    Most people don’t care about fire and don’t want to hear about fire, all they care about is cats! If you talk about fire, they think you’re crazy. But cats in trees are threatening the very existence of humanity!

  15. Where are the papers that you claim exist that show a proper isolation of a virus? Where is that picture of what you claim to be chicken pox from? “Virologists have done this many times and for many different viruses.” Please prove this with papers.

  16. Page 39 of the link you have provided (see below), does not contain “. . . no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available.”
    in fact this quote “. . . no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available.” does not exist in the entire document.
    so please where did you get the quote from.

    “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Real-Time RT-PCR diagnostic Panel. For Emergency Use Only. Instructions for Use.” Buried in the text, on page 39, is the following statement: “. . . no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available.”

    1. “CDC 2019-Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV), Real-Time RT-PCR diagnostic Panel. For Emergency Use Only. Instructions for Use.” Buried in the text, on page 39, is the following statement: “. . . no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available.”

      This is now found on page 42. The paper has had 6 revisions.

      What is rather interesting that since the paper has been revised six times as of 14 May 2021, there is no mention of the any isolate now being available, even though many claims of isolation of SARS-nCoV-2 have been made.

  17. Having read your article (but not the book) and after listening to several interviews, I am experiencing severe cognitive dissonance!!!
    If what you are saying is true then it wouldn’t matter if…..
    I sent my kid to school with the sniffles or…
    If he smeared his snot over all the playground equipment or….
    If he sucked the handrail on the shopping cart or….
    If he ate food that fell on the floor or…
    If he used someone else’s fork and cup!!!!!
    If what you are saying is true then…
    I don’t need to go the chicken pox parties and…
    I should not take herbal supplements to stop the infection (or should I)??
    I am thoroughly perplexed!!!
    Can you please help!!
    Yours truly
    Confused mother

    1. > If I sent my kid to school with the sniffles or…

      It would matter to the child. If he has the sniffles (not from an allergy), or sore throat or fever, you need to keep him home for HIS sake. These symptoms are a sign that the body is going through a detoxification and rest is needed.

      > If he smeared his snot over all the playground equipment or….

      Probably doesn’t matter unless there is something very toxic in the snot. Anyway, kids do this all the time.

      > If he sucked the handrail on the shopping cart or….

      Probably OK–kids suck on everything, including stuff on floors. They don’t get sick from this. . . unless there is something toxic on the handrail. . . like sanitizer.

      > If he ate food that fell on the floor or…

      Depends on what is on the floor. . . . but again, most kids will do this without any consequences

      > If he used someone else’s fork and cup!!!!!

      Kids do this all the time–adults too. We take a sip from someone else’s glass or borrow their fork.

      > If what you are saying is true then…
      > I don’t need to go the chicken pox parties and…

      Not understanding this–chicken pox parties are a good idea–the exosomes from the sick child communicate to the other children that now is the time to get chicken pox.

      > I should not take herbal supplements to stop the infection (or should I)??

      Herbal supplements/teas can be helpful when a person is in the process of detoxification, i.e. “sick.”


      1. Thank you for your input yet I must admit that it will take time to undo some of my germ programming. (It would still be repulsive to me to use someone else’s fork/cup!)
        An additional question….
        When I am sick (ie detoxifying) I usually use herbs and essential oils that are antibacterial and antiviral. So in the context of your ideas when I should I refrain from taking them. I know someone that won’t use oregano oil because she says it’s “too strong” (meaning that it’s killing the bacteria that is necessary?) In other words I basically need a new paradigm with which to assess an illness and how to treat it!
        Thanks again

  18. Here’s another thought that needs clarification….
    I looked at Dr Mendelson’s book and he also explained diseases in terms of their contagious factor….
    The Bible also refers to plagues and how people self isolated…
    Can you explain how your ideas work in regards to the above mentioned thoughts?

    1. Yes, most doctors do–it is a very difficult concept to unlearn.

      Plagues came mysteriously–often the result of poor sanitation, bad water, crowding, toxins (even from electromagnetic sources like comets), poor nutrition. Going “without the camp” could get you away from whatever toxins were making people sick in the camp–usually from bad water or poorly managed sewage. They did not isolate from each other, they just left the camp.

      Here’s a question for you: why is it that nurses/caretakers rarely get the disease of the people they are caring for. There will be a letter in the upcoming WAPF journal about nurses in a leprosy hospital–none of the nurses ever got sick, even though leprosy was (and still is) considered highly contagious. Finally the hospital decided that leprosy was not contagious–probably it was the result of deficiency in B vitamins.


      1. Can you elaborate on how crowding, bad water, sanitation etc leads to epidemics? Aren’t we back to bugs and germs?

  19. I listened to Alex Loglia from a 1993 radio broadcast and he explained the germ theory deception very well. He spoke about Dr Raymond Rife who invented an amazing microscope that could magnify viruses in their living matter versus an electron microscope in which the viruses shown are not moving.

  20. Attention all employees of a Montana County Health Department and / or members of a Montana County Board of Health

    A $5,000.00 reward is being offered to the first employee of a Montana County Health Department and / or member of a Montana County Board of Health who irrefutably proves that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist.

    To begin the simple process of laying claim to the reward, first answer the following questions:

    1 – Do you believe that any Montana County Health Department and / or County Board of Health directive that has any negative impact on the liberty and livelihood of Montana Citizens should be based on rigorously verified scientifically proven facts arising from unimpeachable scientific methods and procedures – Yes. – or – No. – ??

    2 – Do you believe that it is a rigorously verified scientific fact that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has been conclusively proven to exist via unimpeachable scientific methods and procedures – Yes. – or – No. – ??

    3 – Do you believe that there is a preponderance of credible scientific evidence that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has been conclusively proven to exist – Yes. – or – No. – ??

    4 – Do you believe that it can be proven, beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist – Yes. – or – No. – ??

    5 – Do you accept the challenge to irrefutably prove that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist – Yes. – or – No. – ??

    Next, complete the following declaration:

    I, ___?___, an employee of The Health Department and / or member of The Board of Health for ___?___ county MT, do hereby declare that I have accepted the challenge to prove – with 100% certainty – that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist; and I will do so by, at the very least, adequately addressing all of the current factual deficiencies identified by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell in this online article linked to here:

    Next, email the completed questionnaire / declaration to Greg Gerdes at:

    Once the completed questionnaire / declaration is received, you will be given instructions on how to submit your proffered proof for evaluation and judgment. If your submittal is deemed eligible, satisfies the “conclusively proven” requirement and you are the first employee of a Montana County Health Department and / or member of a Montana County Board of Health to do so, you will be rewarded with a check for $5,000.00. Simple as that – and good luck!

    1. Please note that the following is an updated version of the above challenge / reward offer:

      $5,000.00 REWARD

      Attention all employees of a Montana State / County / City Health Department and all members of a Montana State / County / City Board of Health or health related task force.

      A $5,000.00 reward is being offered to the first employee of a Montana State / County / City Health Department and / or member of a Montana State / County / City Board of Health or health related task force; who irrefutably proves that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist.

      To begin the simple process of laying claim to the reward, first answer the following questions:

      1 – Do you believe that any official health related government directive that has any negative impact on the liberty and livelihood of Montana Citizens should be based on rigorously verified scientifically proven facts arising from unimpeachable scientific methods and procedures – Yes. – or – No. – ??

      2 – Do you believe that it is a rigorously verified scientific fact that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has been conclusively proven to exist via unimpeachable scientific methods and procedures – Yes. – or – No. – ??

      3 – Do you believe that there is a preponderance of credible scientific evidence that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has been conclusively proven to exist – Yes. – or – No. – ??

      4 – Do you believe that it can be proven, beyond a reasonable doubt in a court of law, that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist – Yes. – or – No. – ??

      5 – Do you accept the challenge to irrefutably prove that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist – Yes. – or – No. – ??

      Next, complete the following declaration:

      I, ___?___, do hereby declare that I have accepted the challenge to prove – with 100% certainty – that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist; and I will do so by, at the very least, adequately addressing all of the current factual deficiencies identified by Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Thomas Cowan and Sally Fallon Morrell in this online article linked to here:

      Next, email the completed questionnaire to Greg Gerdes at:

      Once the completed questionnaire is received and your eligibility for the reward is confirmed, you will be given instructions on how to submit your proffered proof for evaluation and judgment. If your submittal is deemed eligible, satisfies the “conclusively proven” requirement and you are the first eligible person to do so, you will be rewarded with a $5,000.00 check. Simple as that – and good luck!

      Note: If you do not meet the eligibility requirements listed above, but believe that you can prove – with 100% certainty – that a novel corona virus named – SARS-CoV-2 – has in fact been conclusively proven to actually exist, please contact Greg Gerdes and request information on the wager option.

  21. Hello Sally,
    Many thanks for your engagement … it‘s great that that there are more and more conscious people engaged to make this (again) a better planet.
    for your information: your book „The Contagion Myth“ is again available at Amazon (e-book only), but with a different title and cover:
    „The Truth About Contagion – Exploring Theories of How Disease Spread“.
    Lovely Regards, Kurt

  22. Arthur Firstenberg, the author of the “Invisible Rainbow”, blames COVID-19 both on 5G and also the ongoing launch of Space X Starlink satellites into the ionosphere. He hypothesizes there’s a global electric circuit, which begins in the upper atmosphere and extends throughout the earth, including us- he believes these new satellites will “pollute” this circuit.

    I’m on the fence about this: I have no idea if it’s true but I don’t dismiss it either.

    In his latest newsletter, he says many EHS people report being sickened during late March (after the latest launch of satellites). This shocked me a bit because I was also extrememly ill for a week in late March- I blamed it on food poisoning but what if I’m EHS as well? If this is true, then it changes everything: because EMF from hundreds of miles away can affect us as well, not just a nearby cell phone tower or 5G antenna. If EMF is at least partly to blame for COVID-19, then we’ll be stuck in this mess for decades to come! As the roll-out of 5G and these satellites continue (Amazon will launch their own as well), more and more people will get sick or die and the public health officals, who are completely clueless about EMF, will continue to blame it on new COVID variants. So I really hope EMF is not a factor in this.

  23. Sally,

    Can you please help me understand, if my partner has an active, open, oozing herpes sore on their lip and I have an extended, enthusiastic make out session with them, are you saying there’s no need to consider the possibility that I too will end up getting a herpes outbreak on my lip from doing this because their active herpes sore is not contagious?

    What about if my partner has an active herpes sore on their private parts and I have sex with them? Are you saying there is no risk to me of contracting genital herpes if I have sex with a person who has an active genital herpes sore because the contagiousness of viral infections is a myth? I’m confused about this because my sister says she ‘got herpes’ many years ago because she slept with someone who had an active sore, and all these years later she still has outbreaks sometimes.

    Also, what about things like dengue fever or yellow fever etc. that are said to be viral infections spread by mosquitoes when they bite people? Is if fair to say a person may ‘catch an illness’ from a mosquito that’s a carrier of some sort of infectious element?

    Thanks for helping us to understand this better.

    1. The herpes thing is complex–what I think happens is that people get sores and these have poisons in them, and if the partner has poor collagen and gets an abrasion through friction (lots of that during sex), then the poison could transfer.

      Yellow fever is not contagious–Walter Reed tried to prove it was in the early 1900s, and he couldn’t. Then he came up with the idea that it is passed by mosquitos. But the cause is really swamp gases, which can be very toxic, and mosquitos have a toxin in their bites that can make it worse.

      Hope that helps.
      Best, Sally

  24. Hello Sally,
    Not sure where best to ask this but am wondering if you have — and where I might find — a protocol for dealing with shingles? I wasn’t sure I had it at first but now think I may have had for some time, although I’ve not yet been to a doctor there are a couple of things that make me think I have, including some pretty alarming blisters. Hope you can help, or suggest how/where I light find help. (I am in Australia, in case that makes any difference to your suggestions.)
    Kind regards,

  25. I know of three couples, and a Mother & adult Son who still lives with her and regularly eats meals at home. In each case, one of the two in each pair had a flu-like sickness for a few days to a week, and was diagnosed with Covid-19 using the PCR test. NONE of their spouses (or son) ever tested positive for Covid-19 using, nor did they ever develop any sickness. Sure, this is anecdotal, but for me was enough to disprove the official narrative, among other glaring contradictions of logic. Sheesh, what a nightmare!

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